Bladebound Wikia

Daily Levels - events which change almost every day - the only exception are weekends. Daily Levels during weekdays are sources of Evolution Materials, while among weekends - a source of Gold.

Day of the week Name Elements Description
Monday Monday Rift Nature35 Dark35 Fiz35 A rift with Nature, Dark and Physical Shards.
Tuesday Tuesday Rift Fire35 Water35 Dark35 A rift with Fire, Water and Dark Orbs.
Wednesday Wednesday Rift - A rift with Moon Materials.
Thursday Thursday Rift Fire35 Water35 Light35 A rift with Fire, Water and Light Shards.
Friday Friday Rift Nature35 Light35 Fiz35 A rift with Nature, Light and Physical Orbs.
Saturday & Sunday Weekend Gathering - A rift where you can get Extra Gold.